Legal notice

Publisher and responsible for content:

Kassel Marketing GmbH
Obere Königsstraße 15
D-34117 Kassel

Phone: +49 (0)561 70 77-07  |  Fax: +49 (0)561 70 77-200
E-mail address:  |  Internet:

Registration number: Certificate of Company Registration 4639, Local Court of Kassel

VAT ID no.: DE 113089087

Authorised to represent the company in accordance with the TDG (German Teleservice Law):
Managing Director Andreas Bilo

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Dr. Norbert Wett, Stadtrat

Responsible for content in accordance with §10 Section 3 of the MDStV
(Mediendienststaatsvertrag = National Treaty governing Media Services):
Dirk Bohle (Head of Marketing, Kassel Marketing GmbH)

Concept, layout design and technical implementation:

Roberts Marken & Kommunikation GmbH
Parkstraße 34
D-34119 Kassel

Phone: +49 (0)561 93893-0
Fax: +49 (0)561 93893-20
E-mail address:

Disclaimer and copyright

Users accessing this website automatically consent to comply unreservedly with the following regulations and all applicable legislation. Unless otherwise stated, the contents of this website –including all texts, illustrations and general layout – are the property of Kassel Marketing GmbH (formerly kassel tourist GmbH).
Some of the photos used are from All registered trademarks, logos and brands that feature on this website are the property of their respective owners. Kassel Marketing GmbH hereby states that it acknowledges all ownership identification in this connection, notwithstanding the absence of an indication in each case.

Kassel Marketing GmbH owns or has the use of the copyright and exploitation rights for all graphic material, photographs and written texts used in this presentation. No other application is permitted without express permission.

All data and text material at users' disposal on this website is free of charge and intended for information purposes only. All details are based on the information made available to users by the regions, places or individuals concerned. Kassel Marketing GmbH accepts no responsibility whatever as regards how accurate or complete the information provided is. The use of information provided does not imply any business relationship between website users and Kassel Marketing. Hyperlinks on this website will connect users to other, external websites that are not under the jurisdiction of Kassel Marketing GmbH. Kassel Marketing is neither liable nor responsible for the contents of these sites. A link connecting users to external websites is no guarantee for their contents or the services provided. Users avail themselves of the information provided on such websites or others linked to the original website at their own risk. Kassel Marketing GmbH specifically distances itself from the contents of external websites.

Kassel Marketing GmbH maintains its website in Germany. All exploitation regulations are based on German law, all legal proceedings are conducted in accordance with the same. Should a lawsuit be filed against Kassel Marketing GmbH, then the decision regarding the judicial authority will rest with Kassel Marketing GmbH. In all probability Kassel Marketing GmbH will select Germany as the place of jurisdiction, irrespective of the user's country of residence or the country in which the user was based at the time he/she visited the website.


The information published on this website has been compiled with the utmost care by Kassel Marketing GmbH. However, Kassel Marketing GmbH accepts no guarantee as regards how accurate or complete the information provided is. All data provided is therefore subject to confirmation. Kassel Marketing GmbH disclaims all responsibility for damages resulting from the use of information published.

Information data bank

Please note that companies offering services at all-inclusive prices are bound by their General Terms and Conditions, a copy of which is, as a rule, forwarded to customers by the company's information and booking department before the travel contract is concluded. All such companies operate as travel organisations in accordance with § 651 of the German Civil Code and are bound by the legal regulations contained therein.

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